Let’s admit it: You’re too busy with growing your business that most of the time you don’t even think about your company’s cybersecurity. You might think you’re safe, that your IT guys are ahead of it, or you just don’t get how it works so you don’t mind it that much. Well, these days you should. And very seriously so. You may not be a victim of cyber threats today, but hackers won’t give you a notice if they attack you, they are like thieves who will take away all your precious belongings and won’t leave you anything but stress and regret.
Did you know? According to a 2017 analysis by Cybersecurity Ventures, forecasted that by 2021, cybercrime would cost the globe about $6 trillion yearly. Meanwhile, it was said that ransomware attacks were increasing by 350 percent annually.
Furthermore, changes in the way we use technology, such as the expansion of the internet of things and the emergence of artificial intelligence, will make it more difficult for us to anticipate such incidents, according to PwC’s 2018 Digital Trust Insights study.
It’s vital for businesses to know the value of cybersecurity. For far too long, IT departments have been given the exclusive duty for responding to cyber incidents rather than being recognized as having a crucial role that impacts everything from infrastructure and marketing to customer relations and financial results. Only 39% of businesses, according to the Digital Trust Insights survey, are “very confident” that they are putting in place enough digital trust measures.
Here are a few important reasons why we need to change how we think about cybersecurity and give a comprehensive incident response strategy top attention:
Cyber incident response affects the entire company
The media has provided extensive coverage of the consequences of cyberthreats. Over the past years, big companies have been victims of cyberattacks that cost millions of dollars and damaged reputations.
Sadly, a lot of board members and senior executives still see cyber incident response as a technical risk rather than as a probable incident with effects for the company as a whole. Additionally, they lack an understanding of how reputational concerns, legal obligations, and evolving regulatory requirements may make cyber incident response challenging and ever-evolving, as well as how improperly presenting an incident response to stakeholders—both internal and external—can worsen the damage done.
Today’s incident response requires planning and effort
In a time when social media and the 24-hour news cycle frequently impact our world, cyber mishaps can quickly become topics of public interest. In the worst situations, this can bring down entire cities and their infrastructures, as it did in 2018 when Atlanta was the target of a ransomware attack that rendered the city’s government inoperative. However, a cyber threat only turns into an event when it is reported to the media, results in irreparable harm to your business, or both. The more strategically a company allocates time and money to incident response and develops a practice of “battle-testing” security incidents in advance, the more likely it is that dealing with cyber threats will become muscle memory that can be used repeatedly rather than a reactionary response to a crisis.
Speed of response is a key component in modern cyber security measures
Nowadays, hackers have been very creative with their attacks. The amount of time it takes your company to detect a potential data breach, stop the harm, inform the organization, and inform the public can make or destroy your brand. However, this does not imply that incident response should only be reactive. In actuality, the reverse is true. Companies need to invest more time on operational readiness because the threat of a cyber attack is growing. This will help companies deal with the incident. Your incident response plan will be much more effective when you are called upon to quickly put it into action if you practice and perfect it when you have the opportunity to do so.
The recovery from a cyber attack depends on what kind of attack it is. You are in dire need of a good response plan and a great team to help you who are quick at what they do and at the same time meticulous with their work so that they do not commit mistakes. We get it, this is your business we are talking about.
Here at Intelecis, you can be sure that your company’s cybersecurity is well taken care of. Deep security analysis is used with Intelecis Platform, a top-tier, proprietary investigative and security technology, in incident response. With our Intelecis Incident Response Tech, we examine alarms and data from endpoints, users, and networks. We now have the visibility we need to respond fast in incident response and get to the breach on your business quickly.
Are you ready to take cybersecurity and incident response plan seriously? Talk to us today!