Well, luck should not take part in any network security plan.

Stay as safe as possible this St. Patrick’s Day, knowing that fraudsters take advantage of any and all holidays.

Malicious links to St. Patrick’s Day images, wallpaper, fake e-cards, greetings, and other related materials could be used in scams. There have even been fake Irish Virus Alerts for St. Patrick’s Day.

While fraudsters employ a variety of strategies to their advantage, including social engineering, in which they conduct additional research and planning to make scams appear more convincing to specific targets, the good news is that there are some common-sense precautions and steps you can take to help keep yourself safe from attacks, including:

  1. Avoid clicking on random hyperlinks. While you may come across an email or message promising a pot of gold, be disciplined and avoid clicking on it. The link may instead bring drive-by malware or usher you to a malicious site.
  2. Ensure your software and operating systems are up to date. Putting off software or system updates? You may be leaving a window open for cybercriminals to exploit. Keep everything updated, ensuring known weaknesses are addressed. Don’t make it easy for the bad guys!
  3. Set up a firewall. A firewall helps protect your network from cyberattacks. It’s an integral component of good cybersecurity.
  4. Utilize the ultimate last line of defense. One of the most powerful things you can utilize is a proper data backup service. In the event of a disaster, you will be able to restore your data and get back to business promptly.

This St. Patrick’s day, keep your business and data safe, and enjoy the holiday on your terms.