IT services providerYou may have heard amazing things about the cloud and IT services in Los Angeles. However, you may not think it is for you because of your firm’s industry. It is true that although there are many benefits to having your IT infrastructure stored and run from the cloud, there are numerous considerations to weigh and overcome before some firms are able to take advantage of this burgeoning technology.

Firms with Legacy Systems

One of the most difficult aspects of moving an infrastructure to the cloud is related to the length of time the company has been in business. If a great deal of your firm’s IT system was developed many years ago and has been added to and upgraded over time, it can be difficult to maintain and improve, and this may make it more difficult to move over to the cloud. This is because instead of a layered approach where parts of the system can be moved over separately, a legacy system often will have to be moved over in one go as there are so many intricately connected parts.

Fortunately, IT services experts in Los Angeles can make the process possible because of their expertise in transitioning businesses to the cloud. The benefits from the convenience and much greater speed of storage and applications mean that it is definitely worth considering.

Heavily Controlled and Regulated Industries

If you are in the health or financial sector, then you will be under more rules and regulations than most other companies. Whether that concerns controlling personal health information or bank details, it all needs to be kept completely private, as safe as possible from hackers and reported on for audit purposes.

There are three different types of cloud: public, private, and hybrid. While the public cloud is too open to potential hacking and totally inappropriate for such sensitive information, it is possible to either use a private cloud or hybrid solution where all the personal data can be held on the private cloud but less sensitive systems can use part of the public cloud.

Whatever you think your problem is, IT services experts in Los Angles have seen it all before. You do not have to avoid the cloud as it makes such a difference in competitiveness and reduced IT costs for any firm in business today. If you are unsure whether you will be able to take full advantage of all the benefits that the cloud offers, Contact us at Intelecis, Inc.. We can let you know how we can increase your productivity, make your business more efficient, and reduce your costs by moving your infrastructure to the cloud whatever business you are in.