IT support Orange County, cyber security Orange County

Almost 24% of 2017’s data breaches were related to healthcare and medical industries.

Medical data is highly valued by thieves. Although this may seem odd, consider the wealth of personal data a medical record contains:

  • Name
  • Birthdate
  • Address
  • Insurance cards
  • Driver’s license number
  • Prescription information
  • Phone number
  • Social security number
  • Payment history

Along with affecting the targeted patient, medical information data breaches also put the healthcare organization at risk of legal violations, fines, and loss of patient trust.

Fortunately, medical administrators and doctors can take steps to keep patient data secure.

Continue reading to learn the best ways to keep medical records safe.

Secure All Computers and Devices

Almost all patient data is stored on devices and computers. To keep patient data safe, it is crucial to make sure all mobile devices and computers are secure. To do this, consider the following:

  • Require any device users to have a unique, personal password. This limits access to data and makes it clear who is accessing medical records.
  • Make sure all files are backed up electronically. Consider using an offline computer or cloud-based system to store sensitive data. This keeps all information secure, even in the event of system failure or malfunctions.
  • Install anti-virus software to add another layer of protection to medical information. Firewalls are another excellent security option to utilize. An IT team can help secure your network against data breaches.

Incorporate Access Control

Along with being excellent for security purposes, access control is also efficient in terms of securing physical patient information. Access control devices limit who has access to information and also keep track of who accesses information. These devices include swipe readers, key cards, and biometric readers.

Access control devices allow you to assign each individual a designated form of identification to keep track of who accesses areas where sensitive information is kept. This includes areas such as:

  • Storage rooms for medicine or medical equipment
  • Operating rooms
  • On-site pharmacies
  • Offices

Access control systems also generate a log of any individuals who enter and exit a room. This offers complete knowledge and control over who is accessing patient medical information.

Use A Cybersecurity Policy

With breaches of medical data occurring at an alarming rate, it is crucial for your organization to implement a cybersecurity policy. The following steps will help get things started:

  • Secure Any IoT devices such as tablets used to access medical records. Conduct regular audits of any IoT devices to decrease the risk of data breaches.
  • Keep all electronic and software devices up to date with the proper anti-virus software to protect your networks.
  • Keep all employees up to date on security policies and procedures.