A covert cyber attack on a computer network known as an advanced persistent threat (APT) occurs when the attacker acquires and maintains illegal access to the targeted network while going unnoticed for a long time. The hacker frequently watches, intercepts, and relays information and sensitive data throughout the interval between infection and repair. An APT’s goal is to steal or exfiltrate data, not disrupt networks, deny service, or infect computers with malware.
APTs are typically directed at high-value targets, such as nation-states and major corporations, due to the level of effort required to carry out such an attack. The ultimate goal of these attacks is to steal information over an extended period of time, as opposed to “dipping in” and leaving quickly, as many black hat hackers do during lower-level cyber assaults.
Any command can be executed on the victim’s computer using a backdoor, including:
- Delete, create, or rename files, it can also take screenshots
- Use Command Prompt (cmd.exe) to run read/write commands
- Obtain registry keys, TCP and UDP tables
- Terminate or create processes
- Obtain information about the computer, including account usernames, the computer’s name, adapter data, the gateway address, and OS information
- Have full access to your device like, restart or shut down the computer
A successful APT malware attacks the following:
- Confidential data of your business, proprietary information
- The intellectual property of your business
- Personal information about you, your staff, your customers, contractors, and clients Private papers like contracts and NDAs
- Bank account numbers, credit card numbers, and other details that could be utilized in identity theft
- Account information
- Information that enables a rival to gain an advantage in the market
While you’ve certainly used a firewall and antivirus software, among other basic security precautions, those are insufficient to fend off advanced persistent threats (APTs). You require security that is intended to recognize, contain, and get rid of APT malware. So how are you protecting your business from this scary malware? This is a tricky query. Organizations instinctively deploy a separate product to remedy any security flaws they find. On the other hand, a separate product-based solution would always have holes. Organizations must adopt a comprehensive strategy to prevent these security weaknesses. A multilayered, integrated security solution is necessary for this. The best way to improve security is by deploying a portfolio of products that can operate together seamlessly. We can guide you on how to protect your business, connect with us today.