Any business could fall vulnerable to cyber extortion. However, you can defend your business from cyber extortion with a solid cyber defense plan, a knowledgeable workforce, and proactive security measures like penetration testing carried out by experts like Intelecis.

The 11 actions listed below can help defend businesses from online extortion:

  1. Know your numbers. A corporation cannot properly appreciate the danger until they are aware of the type and volume of data they have.
  2. Make backups of your files, data, and bandwidth capabilities. In the event of extortion, this will assist a business in keeping its information safe.
  3. Employees should receive training on spear phishing. To assist limit risk to the company, it is essential that all workers understand the value of safeguarding the information they frequently handle.
  4. Check the backgrounds of your staff. Employee background checks can reveal whether they have a criminal history.
  5. Limit system and social footprint administrative power. The fewer staff who have access to private data, the better.
  6. Make sure systems have the proper antivirus and firewall software. Check the security settings on applications, browsers, and email programs after installing the necessary software. Choose system features that will satisfy your business demands while reducing risk during this process.
  7. Have tools for preventing data breaches, such as intrusion detection. Make sure personnel are genuinely keeping an eye on the detection equipment. It is crucial to not only work to prevent breaches but also to make sure that the business is made aware of them as soon as they happen. The clock is ticking.
  8. Patch security software as soon as possible. It’s crucial to consistently keep your operating system’s security defenses up to date.
  9. Security measures against DDoS. It’s crucial to be able to resist or withstand assaults intended to overwhelm or weaken your systems.
  10. Make a plan for handling a data breach. There should be a clear process stating which personnel are a part of the incident response team and their responsibilities in the event of a breach.
  11. Invest in insurance coverage that covers cyber hazards to safeguard your company. The expense of data breaches and extortion events is often covered by cyber insurance coverage. Access to qualified personnel who can oversee the event from beginning to end is another benefit of choosing the proper insurance plan.

Extortion because of a cyber attack is an increasingly frequent issue for all sizes and types of businesses. End-user software like Cryptolocker has commoditized the malware sector, making it accessible to a larger range of criminals and less-skilled hackers, which is one explanation for the rise in instances.

To learn more about securing your company, read our previous blogs on cybersecurity. To learn more about our penetration testing services visit us at or call us at 949-266-2088