hipaa complianceBusinesses that use IT services in Los Angeles, such as hospitals and financial firms, must be HIPAA-compliant. Failing to follow federal regulations that protect confidential consumer information can lead to severe penalties. Here are reasons why a disaster recovery plan is essential for companies that must be HIPAA-compliant:

Understanding HIPAA Requirements

IT services providers in Los Angeles are aware of the HIPAA Security Rule, which mandates that certain businesses need a contingency policy that encompasses the following plans for:

  • Data backup
  • Disaster recovery
  • Emergency mode operation
  • Testing and revision activity
  • Prioritization of critical data and applications

In order to be fully compliant with government regulations, specific safeguards must be established. Physical safeguards include limiting access to the facility. Technical safeguards require that access to confidential health data must only be limited to authorized individuals. Technical policies include a disaster recovery plan with offsite servers to protect data. Network security safeguards require web hosts to restrict access to electronically protected health information (ePHI).

Backup and Disaster Recovery Plans

Whether your business is or is not required to be HIPAA-compliant, every company should be concerned about backups and implement disaster recovery plans. No company can afford to let down a majority of its customers for any reason. However, when people learn that an organization fell prey to attackers, it can hurt the company’s reputation.

A strong data backup policy involves making copies of your data and applications every day. If your company experiences a cyber attack or other emergencies, you can still restore the data and applications. The key is to store the data in the cloud or on virtualized servers so that the assets can be restored quickly. These days, avoiding downtime is imperative since it is easy for dissatisfied customers to find alternatives quickly through search tools. Failing to make regular backups creates the risk of losing data since files can be overwritten unintentionally because of human error.

Disaster recovery plans vary among companies since they must be tailored to fit a specific operation based on its available resources. The plan specifies what type of action will take place in the event of a security breach or any other issue that leads to downtime. It identifies players and their roles in coordinating with other staff members on procedures such as moving equipment to another location. The safest plans specify backup servers in both onsite and offsite locations.

As a crucial part of your disaster recovery plan, you need to test applications and files to make sure they work properly. You should occasionally stage an emergency drill as employees act out roles to prepare for disasters. The more training and practice, the more confident your team will be that your digital assets can be accessed even under adverse scenarios.

An IT services provider in Los Angeles emphasizes regular data backups and a disaster recovery plan. This strategy will ensure that you have full control of your data and that your business satisfies federal requirements if the business is bound by HIPAA policy. Contact us at Intelecis, Inc. to learn more about how we can make your business more secure and prepared for unforeseen challenges.